General information:
The object of the game is to get the bird threw the pipes. You can click, tap, press the space bar or press 1 to make the bird go upwards.
If you hit a pipe the game is over.
The gear at the bottom of the screen allows you to change settings or pause the game if you click on it, press S or press 3, click it again to unpause the game.
After you hit a pipe Your score will be shown at the very top of the screen.
You can click the restart button, hit R or hit 2 in oder to restart.

Setting information:
Every combination of main settings have different high scores so that it is fair.
The normal gamemode works as described above.
The out of 100 gamemode gives you only 100 pipes to go threw, and if you hit a pipe you just don't get the point, and there is a counter in the upper right corner that tells you what percent of the pipes you have completed.
The out of 1000 game mode is similar to the out of 100 gamemode but has more pipes and is faster.
No one cares about the developer gamemode.
Speed of pipes:
Normal is just the normal speed(you probably could have guessed that).
Fast is about 2 times faster than normal. Very fast is about 20 times faster than normal. Very very fast is about 40 times faster than normal. Slow is about half as fast as normal. very slow is about one eighth as fast as normal. Hardness: They are all self explanatory except gravity bird mode which instead of having control of when the bird goes up you have control of the direction of gravity.
Space between pipes: They are mostly self explanatory. Space that pipes differ in height: They basically set the maximum amount that the height of the pipes can change every pipe.
Multi-player information:
If you enter in a valid server name you will be able to play with other people.
Have fun!
Click the button below to start.
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